Happy Easter Pacific Northwest!
Saturday, April 8, 2023 – Seattle Easter Boat Parade – 2:00pm Parade Start – Salty Dog VHF Check In
Seattle Easter Boat Parade; looks forward to seeing you and your decorated ‘Easter Boat Float’ themed vessel out on the water on Saturday, April 8, 2023 – Register Today, if you haven’t already! This is our 4th Annual Easter Boat Float Parade – per usual, we welcome all vessels; powerboats, yachts, sailboats, sport fishers, commercial fishing boats, workboats, tugs, superyachts and PNW research vessels. We encourage skiffs, dinghies, kayaks, rowboats and paddle boarders, to please bring up the rear of the parade at the tail end. Happy Holidays while practicing safe Pacific Northwest boating, rain or shine; Seattle boaters always prevail, while making the most of every Easter cruising opportunity and memory. PNW Boaters Rule!
We look forward to your participation in our Annual Seattle Easter ‘Boat Float’ Parade; the route starts on South Lake Union to the Ballard Locks, Ending at Fishermen’s Terminal. Presented by: Salty Dog Family of Companies: ‘Seattle Christmas Boat Parade’ and ‘Seattle Easter Boat Parade’ are in the same Boat Parade Family.
Easter & Christmas Boat Parades, Presented By The: Salty Dog Family
Parade Inquiry: Text – Your Boat: LOA/Make/Model To: # 206.999.3088